Saturday, November 10, 2012

Galaxy Nexus 7 Review

Galaxy Nexus 7 Review

I purchsed One of These Play through Google directly. Was going to get one for my wife, Decided to check my favorite store only to find Amazon That increadably They are overpriced here. I Hope That changes soon.

This is the perfect media tablet $ 200 tablet. I titled This Review That Way Because MOST of the negative reviews I read here are due to some of the short comings of this tablet. People really expect WAY to much these days. Why complain about something to cheaper tablet Does not Have When You know good and well that it Will not Have Those features?!?! If This Is not tablet for you, do not buy it and do not bother griping about it either. That does not do anyone any good. Plus this is technically a "media tablet", not a full tablet. And you'd really need to wait for Windows 8 release to get a REAL full blown, no holds bared tablet anyway.

What amazes me about this tablet is ...
1. Speed. It's fast, dang fast for an Android based tablet low price. I've used tablets faster, but cost well over Those $ 500.
2. Resolution. The screen is fantastic! Bright, clean, great viewing angles, and perfect resolution (16x10 16x9 NOT! That's perfect! 16x9 stinks on computing devices!)
3. Power. Great battery life. No, amazing! I've been Able to get a full day of heavy use out of this tablet easily.
4. Android 4.1. Android is finally getting good. Not perfect, not quite iOS or Windows 8 but IMHO much better than in the past. Perfect for this tablet / task.
5. Lightweight. This much power and battery with light weight Such a device is amazing.
6. Google. Face it, without the full power of Google behind this little guy it would not be half (or less) of the tablet it is.

Barnes & Noble NOOK Color eBook Review

I'm somewhat of a techno geek. I like new gadgets and i Tend to ask myself how will this be Developed over time.

 In the case of the nook color They got it right. The size is very good For those used to reading paper backs on the go or in bed just before sleeping. The LCD eye burn has yet to effect me even though I've already put in 6 straight hour of reading (note: i do keep the back-light level very low). It is fairly responsive to user inputs.

Once you learn how to navigate around it Seems intuitive. The magazine format is a welcomed feature. The Reduced battery life over my nook classic will not be an issue. It has Lasted 2 days so far with wifi off with the same use pattern I've had since i got the nook classic (it will need a charge soon though).

Youtube videos work without problems but, hulu is non functional at this point although I'm sure future updates will fix That problem. The form factor of the nook color is the 2ND best of any e-reader i have held (the nook classic feels better in my hand). Even though B & N had to make Concessions to keep profitability up and the price point down look at what you get.
Barnes & Noble NOOK Color eBook