Saturday, November 10, 2012

Barnes & Noble NOOK Color eBook Review

I'm somewhat of a techno geek. I like new gadgets and i Tend to ask myself how will this be Developed over time.

 In the case of the nook color They got it right. The size is very good For those used to reading paper backs on the go or in bed just before sleeping. The LCD eye burn has yet to effect me even though I've already put in 6 straight hour of reading (note: i do keep the back-light level very low). It is fairly responsive to user inputs.

Once you learn how to navigate around it Seems intuitive. The magazine format is a welcomed feature. The Reduced battery life over my nook classic will not be an issue. It has Lasted 2 days so far with wifi off with the same use pattern I've had since i got the nook classic (it will need a charge soon though).

Youtube videos work without problems but, hulu is non functional at this point although I'm sure future updates will fix That problem. The form factor of the nook color is the 2ND best of any e-reader i have held (the nook classic feels better in my hand). Even though B & N had to make Concessions to keep profitability up and the price point down look at what you get.
Barnes & Noble NOOK Color eBook

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